Welcome to the CTAPP Provider Portal! This portion of our website is designed to collect and house pertinent documents and data from teacher preparation providers. CTAPP will also house resources and progress monitoring documents within this portal for those ACPs selected as Transformation Fellows.
Below are answers to a few Frequently Asked Questions that will help you navigate the Provider Portal with ease.

Q: Do I need to create an account or register in order to access the Provider Portal?
A: Prior to selection as a Transformation Fellow, you do not need to create a unique account. The Portal will be used to house documents, but all data and readiness applications can be submitted via e-mail.
Q: What types of resources can I find on the Provider Portal?
A: Transformation Fellows will have full access to a library of resources ranging from data planning and collection to mentorship and teacher educator training. Once selected for the Transformation Fellowship, ACPs will receive a unique link to sign-up and create an account for the Provider Portal.
Q: How will the Provider Portal be utilized?
A: Upon selection for the Transformation Fellowship, the Provider Portal will be used to facilitate discussion, crowd-source ideas, and connect with other Transformation Fellows. You will also be able to upload or share additional resources that you believe other ACPs may find helpful! We're not re-inventing the wheel; we're making it easier to navigate.
Check back for additional updates, information, and resources, or you can reach out to your CTAPP contact if you need help locating something specific!
Let's succeed. Together.